Are You Ready For 2023?

Posted Nov 28, 2022 at 11:37

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Two of our core values here at Team Peak are self development and accountability.

At the start of every quarter we have a team meeting to discuss our personal and professional goals for that quarter, and share ideas on how we can all support each other to complete them. 

With only one month left of 2022, I have completed almost all of the goals I set at the start of the year. The ones I haven't finished are ongoing, but significant progress has been made towards completing them. Some of the goals have changed slightly, as in some cases I realised that the goal actually wasn't important to me, so I adjusted to make sure I was focusing my energy into what I truly wanted to achieve. 

For me, this has been a year of growth. We opened the Ashbourne clinic in January 2022, and I worked there alone for two months before Adam started, and this month George will start with us there too. I was also promoted to intermediate clinician, and bought a house and a car. It's been a very busy year and I've loved being able to push myself towards my full potential.

Next year will be a year of consolidation. I still have plenty of goals I want to achieve, but I'm going to slow down a little bit and enjoy where I'm at. There's no need for me to constantly push myself as hard as I can, because I'll end up burning myself out. You don't always need to have huge goals that sound amazing, smaller goals can be equally important when you step back and look at the bigger picture.

I'll be spending the next few weeks deciding on my goals for 2023, as well as reassessing my 3,5 and 10 year goals to make sure that I'm still working towards things that are important to me. 

There's one month left of 2022, so make it count and have a final push towards achieving your goals for this year, but also start looking ahead to 2023, and start planning now so you can hit the ground running on January 1st.

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