Do The Basics And Do Them Well!

Posted Feb 13, 2023 at 07:28

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Now more than ever you’re at the mercy of distractions and unhealthy temptations of the 21st century.

Big corporations pay experts handsomely to hypnotize you into choosing short-term pleasure over long-term happiness every single day.

It’s normal to lose sight of what is a good or bad way for you to spend your time.

Here are 2 simple yet rewarding things you’ll never regret doing each day: & yes you know these already and have heard them again & again but are you doing them ?

Do the basics and do them well.

1) Exercise

I’ll never regret taking a stroll outside, running in the park or hitting the gym — and neither will you.

I could write pages about the physical benefits of exercise which you’ve surely heard a thousand times from your doctor or on TV.

But the mental benefits? They’re a game-changer.

It helps reduce anxiety and depression and at the same time boosts cognitive performance and self-esteem. It’s like the Control+Alt+Delete for negative emotions.Once you start a regular exercise habit you start to wonder how you ever lived without the mental clarity.

Feeling anxious? Need to solve a problem? Or feeling angry? Go move your body and see how much it helps.

2. Sleep More

How did the ‘sleep less, work hard, then party all night’ pressures become so popular? Or worse still… the ‘sleep less, watch more Netflix’?

Along with the growing demands of the working week and intense distractions, more people than ever are falling into the trap of sacrificing their sleep.

But if you knew the benefits of adequate sleep, you’d think again about regularly sacrificing your shut-eye for parties, studying all-night or one more episode of that  series you’re hooked on.

The truth? Good quality sleep of 7-8 hours helps you to…

  • regulate your mood (deal with stress and other emotions)
  • boost immune system and recover from illness
  • physically heal
  • be more creative and bolster problem-solving
  • improve memory and learning efficiency

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