Have you made a start on your 2024 goals?

Posted Feb 06, 2024 at 10:51

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2024 is already off to a flying start. We're already in February,  and Christmas feels like a distant memory. So although it's a month late, I wanted to share some of my goals for the year.


Reading is of course on the list. In 2022 I read 30 books, and in 2023 I made the stretch goal of 40 books.  But I managed it, and decided to set the same goal of 40 books for 2024. Another focus is to finish all the different series I'm part way through reading (I have 8 book series on the go…), so that I'm up to date with everything I enjoy.


Another goal is to crochet a blanket. It's something I've wanted to do every since I learnt to crochet, but it always felt like such a big commitment. But I have a ridiculous amount of yarn on my shelves, and more than enough time to do it if I don't waste my free time watching TV. So I've started making cute daisy granny squares, so it can be broken down into smaller, less intimidating sections.


Improving my communication is a skill I'd like to develop this year. My job heavily relies on building relationships with the clients I'm working with, so it's a skill that I can never get too good at. But I'd also like to improve my communication with others around me, my family and friends. I've always shut down whenever I've been struggling with something, so the goal for this year is to be more open with the people I love. 


For work in general its a year of consolidation. A year to hone my skills and continue to build a solid foundation for the future. I have lots of smaller targets within that to help make sure I stay on track, but I've purposely not set myself any big targets for this year. 


So many of my clients that I've spoken to so far this year about goals have said that they don't set goals in case they don't achieve them. But actually, not setting a goal guarantees that you won't achieve it. Goals don't have to be 100% achieved to be successful. Setting a goal and working towards it means you're always getting closer to what you want, but not setting a goal means you stay where you are. So if you're someone that hasn't set any goals for the year, I encourage you to think about what you want to achieve, and break it down into small bite size chunks to help you get there.

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