Which Health Zone Are You In?

Posted Nov 28, 2022 at 13:11

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Two of the most concerning and dangerous sentences we hear at our clinic are these…

1- I feel great so ill see how things get on…

2-My problem comes and goes so it's not that big of a deal

Hopefully, you were born in zone 1 which is optimal health with a health score of 100.A lot of us aren't that lucky (nutritional issues in the womb/forceps deliveries/Breech presentations to name a few !)

Then life and gravity happen and you begin to decline.Today's environment is increasingly toxic and the only way to maintain optimal health after birth is to to work toward it continually.

The vast proportion of people thus fall into zone 2 , they feel great but if we were to test them the holes are apprerent.They are coping and compensating but no longer optimal.

This is where the danger lies because we are societally conditioned to only see healthcare professionals when we HAVE a problem, never before.We fall into the trap of thinking that we are 100% healthy but this is where hidden problems continue to fester and finally manifest themselves.

Then it's Zone 3 ! The Subclinical subluxation paradox’ ! Most people's health function falls so much they start to experience symptoms which drives them to seek out doctors, chiropractors, personal trainers etc.

Pills to numb the symptoms , see a chiro for 4-5 visits until they feel ‘good enough’ or exercise until they no longer get as breathless walking to the shop.. Here we have just risen into Zone 2 again … or in the case of meds stopped feeling Zone 3.

As soon as they are in Zone 2 (or a numb Zone 3) the action stops as people are only motivated away from bad not toward good.

And this is the dangerous part as people fall into Zone 4 and experience pain and poor health EVERY SINGLE DAY.

So, Which health Zone are you in ? 

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