
Posted Jan 11, 2023 at 08:08

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January can be a tough month for many.

Returning to work, getting back into a regular sleeping schedule and eating healthier foods can be 3 challenges to name but a few. 

Not to mention the added societal pressure of having New Years resolutions like “Dry January” or attending that gym you spontaneously signed up to for 6 months as a way to motivate yourself.

Trying to change so many fundamental pillars of your lifestyle at once will not happen easily, nor will it be 100% successful. Which is fine!

So instead remember these 3 fundamentals over the next few months.


  1. The time it takes to form a habit.
    Any client of ours should know this already as chapter 1 of care is based on this scientific principle- Neuroplasticity. The brain's ability to change and create new habits and patterns. It takes the brain 66-157 days to form a new habit. That means if you have been doing it for a month, yes it may be easier, but its not yet a habit. After a month if best you are halfway there. So don’t get complacent and let it slip now. 
  2. Sloppy Success
    Sloppy success is still a success. You may have wanted to go for an hour-long walk but due to traffic after work you only managed 40 minutes. That is still a success! It’s 40 minutes longer than not going and next Friday you now know to either leave earlier or walk an extra 20 minutes on Thursday to get ahead. Over time, once your brain has started to form its new pattern it becomes easier and more polished. 
  3. 80/20 Rule 

We say it time and time again. But give yourself some leeway. Don’t plan on missing the 20%. Aim for the 100% because along the way life gets in the way and occasionally presents challenges. These unsuspecting challenges are then your 20%. If you plan on missing 20% then life throws you its challenges as well. That's now 40% which is no good. But if you get a flat tire on the way home from work or have a deadline for tomorrow and need to prioritise that. Then do it, don't beat yourself up about it. It’s not a failure, you don't need to scrap the entire goal and binge out on a takeaway, chocolate and a bottle of wine because you missed one day.

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