Alive Vs Dead Time

Posted Jan 16, 2023 at 07:20

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 Are you going to let things happen or make things happen ?

The key to your desired future lies in the present. Something I remind myself of as often as I can is that a well-spent now has everything to do with your future success.

The widely wise and acclaimed author, Robert Greene has a notion that highlights this for us. He distinguishes between ‘alive time’ and ‘dead time’.

Dead time is the time we spend saying to ourselves- “well, these next few months are going to be a write-off”- when we don’t get the job we want or are asked to do a monotonous task at work.

Alive time would be making the best of the hidden opportunities embedded in those few months or in the everyday monotony.

Essentially, this distinction is a call to change your perspective.

Most people have to spend at least a part of their day doing menial tasks and monotonous chores. If you spend this time distracting yourself, trying to get time to pass by quicker — you waste a depressing number of hours. That’s ‘Dead time’.

Turn Dead Time Into Alive Time

What if you were to make better use of that time? With a bit of imagination, you can turn dead time into alive time.

Stuck at home during the pandemic, or have a few weeks off? You can use that downtime to learn new skills, acquire new knowledge or create a side hustle.

Does your job include hours of boredom and dull repetition?

Those hours can still be used to grow in some aspects. You can listen to audiobooks or podcasts that teach you a thing or two. Maybe you can read a book, learn to draw, or do some writing.

How much of your time is currently ‘dead time’? Where is it located? Try to identify all the wasted hours you can put to better use.

Which activities or tasks performed during that time can be turned into learning or growing opportunities? Depending on what your work situation allows for, try to come up with a few ‘alive time’-alternatives.

If you can connect these alternatives to a future goal — that’s great. If not, think more general, like activities that widen your skill-base. What sorts of interests and skills would you like to explore?

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