Are You Unhealthy?

Posted Jan 23, 2023 at 08:44

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We all have an idea about what being unhealthy is, or what it takes to become so. Therefore we combat this by not doing said things, or by doing the opposite. Things such as not drinking and smoking, exercising regularly, eating healthily are all the go-to’s in this regard. 

And rightly so right? Doing these things will certainly improve our health with compounding effects the longer we keep it up. They’re great. 

But what if i told you these things weren’t making you healthy, they were just making you ‘not sick’.

The massive benefits of doing the above things mean that your chances of serious health issues are reduced and your body is better equipped to handle things like infections or other stresses you put on it. All will keep you out of the hospital, sure. But does it mean you’re healthy?

Where I think health comes from is putting all aspects of your health in check. Yes you can be fit and eat well, but is that old injury from 20 years ago still affecting your function? Are you overly stressed when it comes to work or relationships? Is your posture poor? 

Life can and will throw things at you constantly that prove a challenge for your body. Over time that’s bound to wear on you no matter how fit you are or how well you eat. Hell, even gravity is constantly pulling at us and providing us with physical stresses. There's so much more to health than the basics.

That’s why we can say ‘people should be getting adjusted for the rest of their lives’ with conviction. Combating these stresses goes a long way when trying to be truly healthy. Unless of course, you’re just not living life.

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