Because Your Worth It! (Hair Swish)

Posted Oct 07, 2021 at 14:33

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When was the last time you invested in yourself?

I mean actually in yourself, not what you wear, what you drive but actually in your own body. This is a question I asked myself last week and initially I gave the same answer as I imagined most of you did. “Well last week I brought the low fat option instead of a pie or i just got myself those new work shoes so when I'm on my feet 40 hours a week i’m comfortable”. Which is all well and good. They are great decisions and purchases. But when did you last make an investment in time or money that was directly on your health.

While sitting in my car last saturday afternoon, listening to a podcast, eating my sausage sandwich (the car was parked at this point) I had this thought. As is often the case, my drive home is the source of inspiration for my blogs. Whether it be the peace and quiet or the subconscious act of driving which allows my conscious thoughts to be drawn to the surface. Nevertheless this thought popped into my head.

As I tend to do before considering the social norm I evaluate myself and how I would answer this question. And as I said earlier the same easy, go to answer came out. But is that really what the question is asking? True, any money or time you spend is ultimately on yourself. But there is a big difference between something you will wear or watch or do vs something that truly affects you, yourself, your makeup (not the kind you put on your face).

What I mean by this is, when was the last time you; Invested in your nutrition- brought the slightly more expensive free range, lower fat, none processed version.

Invested in your supplementation- Vitamin D, Omega 3, Collagen, Multivitamin, Invested in your professional development- That course you’ve been thinking of doing, public speaking courses even though you’re not in a customer facing position.Asked to borrow the 100s of personal development books we have at the practice.

Invested in your teeth- signed up to a dental plan, saw a functional dental practitioner.

Invested in your mental health- Enquired about CBT or talking therapies.

Invested in your eyes- Going for a non routine check up on your vision.

Invested in your hormones- Had that difficult conversation with the GP you know is due about this time in your life.

Invested in your well being- Downloaded a free headspace or mindfulness app and started a 30 day goal.

Invested in your future self- Started a vision board (I use a photos folder on my phone as collages aren't my thing) or manifested the life you want down to the colour of the walls or smell in the room.

These are all areas we can opt into investigating that require no symptoms, pathologies or problems but will further improve your health, wellbeing and quality of life far more than that lavish materialistic trend we are all victims of buying.

So to follow our practice mission; To Provide, Promote and Embody Salutogenic Health Care in a Pathologic Society. I tackled one of my inner Icks and invested in an area of my health I have neglected for too long.

What way are you going to invest in yourself?

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