How To Meditate

Posted Sep 20, 2022 at 08:21

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So this week , I experienced my first flotation tank mediation which was an experience to say the least ! but overall a good experience and something i now plan to make a part of my weekly routine

So , what is meditation ? How do I meditate ? 

To begin , Meditation is a great way to relax your mind and body.

Let's jump into 4 different ways you could try it !

#1 Breath awareness

One of the best and simple forms of meditation is focusing on your breath.

Breath awareness will encourage focusing on the breath while being mindful. As you inhale and exhale slowly through your nose your body relaxes. Also while focusing on your breath, your goal is to be aware of your thoughts and let them pass by (Mindfulness

#2 Mindfulness Meditation

This is very similar to breathing awareness but broader when focusing in the present moment.

If you want to improve your focus and eliminate negative thoughts , this is for you !

Mindfulness meditation forces you to focus on the present moment and not dwell on the past or future.This meditation is versatile because you can practice it anywhere and everywhere= It does not have not a single session.

For example , while waiting in line in public you can focus on the surrounding objects, the sounds and the smells you notice.

#3. Body Scan

Physical awareness or body scans are great for relieving stress or tension in your body.The objective of a body scan is to notice any tension in the body and release it through breathing. You can start from your toes to the top of your head and notice any tension.

#4. Movement Meditation (Yoga)

Movement meditation (Yoga) is one of the most popular and best forms of meditation.Yoga involves the movement of the body while focusing on breathing patterns. Light and deep movements promote peace in the body while improving your overall strength. There are many movements out there that can help you achieve the benefits of yoga!

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