I Get Adjusted Twice a Week. How About You?

Posted Jan 22, 2024 at 16:25

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How often do you get adjusted? I aim for two adjustments each week. When was your last chiropractic adjustment? If it's been over six months, you might not be on the path to becoming your best self. Wondering why? Let me explain. The brain and nervous system are crucial for controlling every aspect of the body and processing information from the outside world. If the brain and nervous system aren't functioning optimally, how can the rest of the body be controlled effectively? At Peak Chiropractic, we grasp this concept, treating thousands of clients monthly, helping them not only do what they love but also thrive toward better health.


Understanding the Brain:


The brain is a complex organ with various structures working together. One vital part is the cerebellum, crucial for daily functions like reading, walking, and balance. It processes information from the body's interactions with the world, fine-tuning movements and influencing attention, language, fear, pleasure responses, and learning new skills.


Impact of Adjustments on the Brain:


Recent research highlights the significance of proper spinal movement, allowing the brain to understand the body's positions. Adjustments have been proven to alter how the cerebellum processes information, enhancing communication with the rest of the brain. Whether experiencing pain or not, optimal spinal function is vital. Suboptimal function affects the cerebellum's ability to perceive and coordinate body movements.


A study on older adults receiving chiropractic care revealed improved sensory perception in their feet and quicker, more accurate processing of additional inputs like sound and light.

Given this compelling research, what's stopping you from pursuing a healthier life aligned with your aspirations? Schedule a consultation with our expert clinicians for a comprehensive examination of your brain, nervous system, and areas needing attention. Let's get you on track to do what you love!



Advanced Chiropractic Relief (2022) Chiropractic Adjustments Affect Brain/Cerebellum Function Heidi Haavik PhD, D.C. Scientific Research. Available at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqEEngo_y7w 


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