More Cracks = Better Value Right?

Posted Aug 27, 2021 at 14:40

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More is always better is a topic of conversation we often have with new clients and they are normally surprised with our response.

For some clients we are their first port of call for help but more often than not, most clients have tried other health care professionals first such as GPs, Osteo, Physios or other Chiropractic practices. Unfortunately the care they received initially hasn’t met their needs hence why they are sitting in our practice today. Although the care they received wasn't fully successful, clients often expect a similar treatment style from ourselves and are often left surprised with our answer.

When we first adjust clients on their report of findings we perform as few as 2 or 3 adjustments, and often hear comments as “is that it?” or “ is that all you need to do?” We wear these comments like a badge of honour because we know as clinician’s when we see the client next they report changes in symptoms, sleep, alertness and mood from as few adjustments as 2.

That all boils down to A) how an adjustment affects the body and B) what we are adjusting. Because a chiropractic adjustment takes a joint through the physiological barrier this sends a tremendous amount of proprioceptive information to the prefrontal cortex changing how the brain functions. And because we’ve chosen our adjustments carefully based on objective testing and finding we are doing far more than just making stiff joints crack. We are adjusting the true cause of nervous system dysfunction yielding the best bang for buck per adjustment.

The other issue with making 10’s of adjustments per session is diluting the clarity and focus of our changes. Again using palpation for joint stiffness alone leads to far too many adjustments often on the left and right side of the same vertebral level, sending far too much information to the brain in one session. This dilutes the clarity and crispness of those signals reducing the amount of neuroplastic adaptation each visit.

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