
Posted Sep 28, 2022 at 11:07

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We all know what overload is. Stress to a system becomes so much so that the system itself stops being able to function properly and in many cases stops functioning at all. 

Take a computer for instance. 

Every computer has the capacity to run multiple programs at once, performing each task simultaneously either in the background or on the screen. 

You can keep piling more and more demand on top, opening more internet tabs, playing music, watching youtube videos… until eventually things start slowing down. 

The computer's limit is being reached and it will start trying to prioritize tasks based on importance, leaving other tasks performing inefficiently.

At this point you can do one of three things. 

You can stop piling on extra pressure and run the computer at this level, ultimately wearing down the system over time and making tasks harder and harder for it to complete, until eventually the breaking point is reached. (things get worse)

You can keep piling on the tasks at the same rate, quickly deteriorating the system until breaking point is reached. (things get worse quicker)

You can start to look after the computer. Take pressure off it in places, get new software to help tasks run more smoothly and upgrade/fix hardware where possible. 

If you want the computer to last as many years as possible, the choice should be pretty obvious. 

Now, replace the word computer with your nervous system. 

Stress, dysfunction, pain, lack of sleep, poor diet, exhaustion are all going to increase the demand put on your nervous system. This can only go on for so long until parts of the system (joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments) start to break down and work less efficiently. Carry on doing this and eventually something will have to give.


Don’t wait until your computer fails. Start caring for it today.

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