Say No With A Plan!

Posted Oct 17, 2022 at 05:57

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‘No’ is a word most of us use every day. We say no to our kids, partners, salespeople and even ourselves. It’s also a word we at peak are used to hearing, especially when we’re offering to provide care for people. 

Most of the time, saying no and ‘leaving it at that’ is fine. Sometimes you have to explain yourself to convince a third party, sometimes it’s to convince yourself, but most of the time it is of little consequence.

When saying no to us however, you’re saying no to a solution to a problem. A problem so big that you took it upon yourselves to try and rectify with our help, and usually as soon as possible.

We don’t mind you saying no, we get it. We’re one of many available avenues to go down and we certainly don’t fit everyone's criteria. What does concern us though is that often when people say no to us they stop there. The drive behind getting their issue(s) sorted disappears and things are left to just get worse, and worse, and worse. 

What people often fail to realize is that you’re still accountable for how things progress from that stage. It’s still on you to get your issues sorted, it just needs to be through a solution that fits for you. If that solution isn’t us, then who? If the solution isn’t right for you now, then when? Maintain your proactiveness and create a plan on how to overcome these issues with the same urgency you had when you booked an appointment to see us. 


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