The Number 1 Cause Of All Lower Back Pain!

Posted Mar 20, 2023 at 10:36

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If you're a frequent reader of our blogs you will have gathered that the brain is the most important organ in the body  … I hope

Well here's how it causes ALL musculoskeletal pain, including back pain in 3 simple steps. 


The brain controls the functions of the muscles. It does this through learned patterns and habits from the day we are born. Between the ages of 1-2 as we learn to walk we fall close to 17 times per hour, so over 200 falls a day as we learn to walk. Chuck in some traumas, poor diet, relationship, work and financial stress and the nervous system and brain is bound to pick up some bad habits !

Very similar to when we first passed our driving test , do you still drive like you did then  ?

For many of us definitely not ! again bad habits .



So why do we care about these habits? Well for our joints to be healthy and pain free they need to be able to move through a FULL range of motion (be flexible) and be nice and strong and stable. This requires the brain to do a good job. So when we have  these bad habits the brain makes errors. Sometimes it forgets to tell a muscle to switch on meaning it becomes weak and sometimes it never tells a muscle to switch off, so we have a pattern now of some muscles being weak and others being tight. Which means we have joints which are unstable and too tight. 

This means some joints in the body end up doing too much work, picking up the slack for others. At this point the muscles are starting to compensate and be damaged, producing pain and inflammation. 


So what happens if this extra work and load in certain areas of the body carries on for months or years instead of days or weeks? Well those stiff and unstable joints start to degenerate. The cartilage, ligaments, tendons and bones start to break down. The structure physically compensates and we see things like arthritis, prolapsed discs, torn rotator cuffs…and in sad and extreme cases hip back and knee surgeries. And TRUST ME WHEN I SAY IT'S SAD as all of this is preventable by keeping the brain and nervous system healthy and well in the first place!!!!! 

So I bet you're thinking that you need to get your system checked ?

I agree !

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