The Simplest 4 Ways To Keep Your Brain Young!

Posted Sep 20, 2022 at 08:13

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Let's cut right to it.

1 Learn Something New

One of the best ways to keep your brain healthy is by keeping it engaged. And the best way to do that is through learning

By building on your skills and seeking out ways to add to your skillset, you are protecting the neurological networks that keep your brain active and alert. The more you make learning a habit, the healthier your brain will be as you age.

2 Exercise

While the mantra of eating right and exercise can seem like catch-all advice

Exercise promotes neurogenesis—the growth of new neurons

Further studies have shown that this growth extends to the prefrontal cortex and healthier white matter, both contributing to sharper executive functioning

Engaging in outdoor activities first thing in the morning helps reset and regulate your circadian rhythm through early exposure to the sun. This in turn, helps you get better sleep

3 Maintain your gut health

This might seem like a strange connection, but research shows that the brain-gut connection is vital in improving and maintaining your overall brain health

One of the largest nerves in the body, the Vagus nerve runs from your brain to the large intestine. It’s responsible for regulating several internal organs, is integral to your immune system, and plays a key role in your parasympathetic nervous system. It’s also the location of over 100 million neurons. When your digestion is interrupted or slowed, it affects how efficiently the vagus nerve can communicate with the brain. This can impact cognition and stress levels, but can also impact anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.

4 Read a book

Reading is one of the best daily brain exercises

The more you read, the more your brain works. It takes a lot of neural activity to track plot lines, translate vocabulary words, string individual words into descriptive sentences, and follow those over several hundred pages

It may be impossible to do a push-up with your brain. But there are healthy habits you can engage in that will keep your brain happy and fit. Everyone ages, but that doesn’t mean you have to succumb to old age. By actively engaging your brain, you can ensure that your mind stays fit no matter how old you get.ding is one of the best daily brain exercises.


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