The Top 15 Things We Measure With All Our Clients

Posted Jun 02, 2022 at 08:44

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“What gets measured, gets improved”.

A title of a recent blog we posted.

As always we put our money where our mouth is. 

Here is a list of everything we measure with every single client in our practice.

  1. Flexibility 
  2. Coordination
  3. Balance
  4. Blood pressure
  5. Oxygen Saturation 
  6. Grip strength
  7. Lung Function 
  8. Heart Rate Variability/ Coherence
  9. Sleep
  10. Mood
  11.  Energy
  12.  Posture
  13.  Ability to handle stress
  14. Range of movement 
  15.  Muscular strength 

If you feel you would benefit from having any number of the above measured, improved then measured again then start the process and book a consultation.

The above areas are designed to measure all factors that contribute to pain, overall function and optimal health.

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