Trust- What's in A Word?

Posted Dec 08, 2022 at 13:07

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The language we choose says a lot about what we are thinking.

Which is why at Peak we listen to every word our clients say, so we can figure out what the client actually means rather than what they are saying. 

Examples are this can be the use of “still” which indicates they expected it to have gone by now. 

But for today's blog we are focusing on the word “TRUST”.

Trust is a word my ear has never caught until this week, when in the space of 24 hours I heard it 6 times. 

This made me firstly look at myself, am I projecting confidence and self belief? - Yes. A lack of this can lead to a lack of trust.

Then you look at the world and environment we are living in. Does this give safety and trust to those that inhabit it. Currently most would say no.

With fake news surrounding politics and covid. A global pandemic, raising cost of living and public sector strikes. 

It becomes clear to see why clients are seeking trust, reliability and resolve, because it’s lacking in their environments.

This is key for 2 reasons.

  1. As a care provider it’s our duty to fulfill that as much as we can.
  2. It’s the responsibility of all of us as individuals in this world to acknowledge the world we are living in, and do our best to be resilient to external forces at play. We need to not let those pressures negatively impact the decisions we make day to day. 

An amazing exercise Magda, our amazing myofascial therapist, recommended can help with building trust and resolve in yourself. 

Imagine you are an old oak tree, and from your feet sprout roots. These roots pass deep into the ground towards the earth’s core and span miles wide. 

This is called grounding and can help you be the provider fo your own energy through channeling earth energy, and be less susceptible to external influences and pressures. 

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