What To Expect From A Spinal Screening!

Posted Dec 08, 2022 at 12:08

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I’ve written blogs before about what you can expect in your Initial Consultation and Report of Findings with us, but what about if you’re just coming in for a free Digital Posture Screening?

You can expect the level of care and attention from us whether you’ve paid £3997 for an unlimited 6 month plan, £180 for a consultation, or you’re coming in for a free screening to learn more about how we can help you.

At a Digital Posture Screening, the purpose of the session is to discover if you’ve got perfect posture, or if there are some changes starting to happen that may be contributing to any symptoms you may be experiencing.

When you arrive at the clinic, take a seat in the waiting area and one of the team will be with you at your allocated time. Each screening is a 10 minute slot and we’re usually fully booked, so make sure you arrive ahead of time so you don't miss your appointment. The Ashbourne clinic is on one level, so just take a seat on the yellow sofa. The Leek and Stoke clinics are on two floors, but the screenings are usually done on the ground floor, so just take a seat on the chairs as you walk in. 

We start off by asking you to remove your shoes and coat, and ask you to stand in front of us so we can take the pictures. You’ll have to march on the spot for a few seconds to make sure you're standing in a natural position, rather than trying to correct your posture. We take one picture from the front,m and one from the side, so we can analyse your posture from both angles.

We use an app called PostureScreenMobile to analyse the photos, which plots certain bony landmarks on your body to give us a clear outline of whether you’re standing straight, or if your posture has started to change.

Once we’ve plotted the points,we’ll show you the images and talk you through the findings. We’ll explain what we should see, compared to how your body has adapted, as well as highlighting any positive things we notice too. This also gives you a chance to mention any symptoms you’ve been experiencing, and share why you were interested in coming in for a screening. 

After we’ve discussed the images, we’ll ask you a very important question… ‘Are you interested in finding out more about your health, and what we can do to help improve your posture?’

It’s not a trick question, it’s a simple yes or no. If it’s a no, then that’s you done! We will email you a copy of your posture pictures if you like, and you’re free to go on and enjoy the rest of your day. 

However, if it’s a yes, we’ll have a special offer for you. As a reward for you giving up part of your Saturday morning to invest in your health, we offer you a discount off the initial consultation fee. Find out on the day to see what that offer is!

If you’ve seen us on social media but haven’t been in to see for yourself, then why not sign up to our next screening day to see how we can help you get your health back on track!

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