What You Think You Become

Posted Mar 10, 2022 at 15:46

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As connection is one of the core values of  what we do here in the clinic, among other goals this year I have decided to deepen my understanding of human behaviours and actions and be able to have even more meaningful conversations with our clients. 

As part of my self-development therefore I have looked into Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) . 

I know, it sounds complicated. What is NLP then?

‘Once you become aware consciously of just how powerful your thoughts are, you will realise everything in your life is exactly how you allow it to be’. 

NLP is in essence thinking about how an what we think, learning how we represent our experiences, then finding out what stragetegies that work in a way that can be modeled, domucments, and reproduced and finally designing a way to teach our subconcious – much like how we learn how to walk and talk to create new beahavioural strategies to get the life that we really want. In an essence, it is way of changing someone’s internal map of the reality to help change their behaviour strategies and achieve desired outcomes. 

So what does that mean in practice?

Our concious mind is goal setter and the subconcious mind is the goal getter. We have beliefs about how we communicate what we do and what we want from the world. However unless this is reflected in what is showing up in our lives it may be that we are not communicating what we really want and need in the right way. 

It is a bit like ordering a food in a restaruant in a  foregin country where nobody speaks your language. You may use all the possible effort and be sure that you ordered fish and chips but you may get octupus and salad instead or something even more quirky. 

The unconcious mind likes to deliver to us but it requires that we communicate what we want in an effective way. If not, then we may end up with something that we don’t want. 

You can think about it now by recongnizing an area in your life or a behaviour pattern that you would like to change. It could be that you would like to stick to a diet, start exercise daily, go to bed early, be procative regarding your health rather than reactive and so on. Whatever it may be, the unconcious mind only reacts to what it thinks is that we want. Therefore NLP is various strategies and techniques that help to improve that communication between our concious and subconcious mind so that we can get in life more of what we really want. 

NLP is not a thing, one single thing. It needs to be seen more as a body of ideas and principles, processes, techniques and strategies that have been based upon extensive research, knowledge and an evolving science that is building itself upon previous knowledge. From these strategies a person can choose what is the more appropriate for the specific behaviour and situation they want to change in life. 

Living life in optimal health is a combination of many things: our physical, emotional and chemical health. It is can also be largely affected by how we perceive ourselves, our rality and health. Changing our internal map of realtiy can aid in our jounrney to living the healthiest happiest life we can have. 

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