Where Does All Our Time Go?

Posted Nov 14, 2022 at 09:42

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Our time is quite obviously one of the most precious things we have. We use it to make money, see our friends and family, do things we love to do with our lives. Therefore we need to make sure we are spending this time wisely, filling it with as much of the above as we can.

As a clinician in a lifestyle based healthcare clinic, ‘changes in lifestyle in order to better yourself’ is often a recommendation/goal I put forward when aiming to improve my clients overall health. It can come in a variety of different ways from increasing exercise, increasing social connections, working on your diet, reading books, working on mental health through therapy and the list goes on. 

Unfortunately, one excuse we commonly hear when suggesting these changes is TIME. 

Now for a very small majority of people, that’s a genuine excuse. Their day is already full of responsibilities + they’re already doing half of the stuff listed above. It would be more about prioritizing for them.

For the rest of us (I use the word US because I can be guilty of this too), it’s complete bullshit. We lose so much time to tv and mobile phones alone that could be spent doing much more beneficial things and we don’t even realize it. 

If you’re wondering just how much YOU lose, I have an exercise for you. 

  1. Write down every episode/film you watch on tv
  2. Check your average screen time on your phone (Settings -> apps -> screen time or just settings -> screen time)


Add those values up across a full week and then come and tell me you don’t have any spare time.

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