Why The Brain First?

Posted Sep 17, 2022 at 11:39

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At Peak Chiropractic & Kinesiology we take a different approach to health care than most other clinics you’ll find around the country. We focus not only on the body and it’s moving parts, but on the engine that drives these too. 

First off, we need to agree on something very simple. The thing that controls every process in the body. Every movement you do, thought you make, every time your heart beats, every breath, every blink, your posture, etc. etc. 

The brain.

We do nothing without its influence. It is the dictator of everything we do, think, react and feel. Always.

This means that in order for things to work and heal properly, the communication and processing from the brain needs to be working properly too, or else we would start to see negative knock on effects. Sounds obvious right?

The thing is, our brain can get into some poor habits. This can be from injuries, surgery, stress, or even just the demands of day to day life changing the way the brain wants to work until you do it so frequently that it just becomes the new normal. 

The thing is, the more bad habits the body gets into, the less efficient and effective some parts of our design are. These inefficiencies keep going and going, all the while putting unnatural stresses on the body while we carry on living our lives…

Until something gives.

THAT is when we see symptoms.

So you can just treat these symptoms. Allow the body to keep working inefficiently, overworking and overstressing different parts and keep patching it up as it goes along until something actually breaks. 


OR you can start fixing the issue at its root. Get the body working as it's supposed to and set your health on the right path.

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