Why We Don't Care Where Your Pain Is.

Posted Aug 09, 2021 at 10:45

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The first thing we do when we see a new client is ask them for their full health history, from before they were even born, right up until now. A lot of clients are surprised, especially when we ask them about their birth, as they often don’t deem it relevant to the pain they’re experiencing now. But we disagree.

The reason we ask this is simple. We’re interested in your whole body, not just where you're getting your pain currently. The pain you’re feeling is a symptom of a problem, not the problem itself. So what we need to do, is find out where the true cause of the problem is.

Pain is our body’s way of telling us something is wrong, so it’s important that you listen to it and take action to solve the problem. When we see a new client for the first time, we do a full assessment of their whole body, even if they only come in with pain in a specific area, like the knee. The symptoms you’re experiencing are often only the tip of the iceberg, or the thousandth straw that broke the camel's back.

Your brain receives information from the environment around you through your 5 main senses, but also from your muscles themselves. Your paraspinal muscles are a group of very small muscles that run all the way up your spine and help connect your spine to your skull. They play a vital role in telling your brain what your spine is doing!

Any dysfunction in the spine, from a recent injury or years of bad posture, means the information being sent from these muscles to your brain becomes distorted, so the brain is no longer receiving accurate information, and we start to see a breakdown in communication between the brain and the body.

If your spine is not moving correctly, it disrupts the flow of information between your brain and body. If you are experiencing knee pain, the problem may not be with the knee, but within the spine. If your brain and body aren’t communicating as well as they should be, your leg may be receiving incorrect signals from the brain. Over time, these incorrect signals can cause your knee to start working and moving slightly differently to how it is used to, which eventually results in you experiencing knee pain.

If you’ve recently started experiencing pain but can’t remember injuring yourself, or you know that your posture is less than ideal, why not book in for a free discovery visit with one of our clinicians to find out if your brain and body are communicating as well as they should be!

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