Why We Dont Diagnosis Our Clients!

Posted Oct 10, 2022 at 15:23

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To diagnose by official definition is to “identify the nature of (an illness or other problem) by examination of the symptoms.” 

So why is it we purposefully avoid diagnosing our clients?

First of all, in my opinion, that's not an accurate definition of a modern day diagnosis. A modern day diagnosis is a term or a label even, and is often GIVEN to a patient.

From our experience of helping 1000’s of clients this is often more detrimental than helpful. Explained the wrong way a diagnosis becomes a person, or more actually a person becomes their diagnosis.

Take everybody's favourite Osteoarthritis. “Hello Mrs. Blank, from your X-RAYS it shows you have osteoarthritis in your neck that is why you have headaches and pins and needles in your hands. Arthritis is extra bone growth.” 

May seem like a  perfectly acceptable explanation to many, but to me, I feel it's one of the worst things you can say to a client. 

It provides no context as to WHAT or WHY osteoarthritis is present, no context on WHAT or HOW the circumstances can be helped or resolved. It’s a statement labeling 2 things connected with no other information at all.

“Well that’s all well and good, but what would you say then?” I hear you all thinking.

Having reviewed your X-RAYS Mrs. Blank,  It's apparent to me your neck has been dysfunctional for years and as a result the bones have started to adapt to the excess stress placed upon them. This dysfunction over a period of years has led to the headaches and pins needles you are currently experiencing. 

In my opinion this is a far better EXPLANATION, compared to “you have osteoarthritis”. One is a statement, the other is an explanation with context. One a label the other explains. 


Now Mrs. Blank understands what?

  1.  Her neck has been dysfunction for years and her symptoms haven’t appeared out the blue one day
  2. Her body has adapted to this dysfunction
  3. And that together they contribute towards her current symptoms.

With that information we can now provide a solution and give hope to Mrs. Blank.

If we resolve the dysfunction in your neck we can improve your current circumstances- Amazing.

If that new level of correct function is maintained for years we may  start to slow down and in some cases even reverse the adaptations your bones have made.- Even better.

In summary, context is king!

Don’t say sh*t stinks and leave it at that. 

Explain why it CURRENTLY stinks in a way that educates and provides hope. Then work backwards from there. 

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